Saturday, February 26, 2011

Sometimes the best plans lead to disaster

This weekend the wife and baby left for Ogden to attend a baby shower. These things seem to be very popular as I swear she leaves once a year to attend such an event. All I know is they were eating a diaper cake, don't ask me why anyone would want to eat a diaper cake. So that meant and means I had the entire weekend to myself, which is kind of cool you can nap during the middle of the day or catch a movie.

Now lately my rest days from running has been Thursday as I donate plasma after work meaning I get home around 6:30 or so and who wants to go for a run in the cold and dark right now. But this Thursday I had an appointment at 4:00 pm so I readjusted my day getting in my plasma donation before work and found myself home at 4:30. This week I have also been having to man a booth at the Parade of Homes which had me getting home after 7pm on Tuesday and Friday. But to get around it I ran in the morning on Tuesday and planned on doing the same on Friday. Still thinking about taking the day off and running in the morning on Friday like I had planned the wife came up with a suggestion that I run Thursday instead as she was going up to the in-laws to make the diaper cake.

This sounded great, it meant I would not have to worry about fitting in a run on Friday before work so I agreed. Also I could not pass up the chance of starting my run from the in-laws house. I love starting my run from their house for two reasons the first being its a different area to run in, the run around my house gets stale after a while and secondly it has the perfect 5k course to train on. It is mostly downhill or flat for the first 2.4 miles followed by a slight uphill incline the next .5 miles and finishing with a massive uphill the last .2 miles. Perfect course to train on as it mostly flat but ending with great hills to practice kicking on.

And since I have a 5k coming up on March 26th the Biggest Loser 5k out at Tuachan I can't pass up the opportunity to get some good speed work in when offered the chance. The only downside was my wife wanted me to stop at redbox which meant I would need to stop my stop watch for several minutes giving my run a little extra boost. Thursday despite being my 7th day running and my 40th mile logged in a week was one of my best runs ever. I set a new pr for a 5k with a 25:08 and then set a pr for a 5miler with a 43:xx (didn't get the seconds as I turned off my stop watch after finishing the 5k portion of the run). So I am not sure if I want to count the 5k as a pr because I did stop for several minutes to rent a movie. But I hope its moot anyways as I want to run a sub 25 5k at my race anyways (seems funny that just last September I was aiming for a sub 30 for the first time).

Well now I could take Friday off but then all of a sudden my brain kicked in and I was like Friday morning if I run today that means I can take Saturday off with no work and no running and chill and nap and do whatever I want all day. LETS DO THIS. Now my run was a little tougher than normal because I had done a tempo run the day before and also because it was my 8th straight day running but all in all I had a good time of about 51 minutes around my normal pace of 10mm except when I am doing speed work. So I get home and cool down and chill for a little while like I normally do after a run. Around an hour before I have to go to work I go to hop in the shower as that should also give me plenty of time to get some lunch as well.

Once in the shower I turn the nob and nothing happens, you have to freaking be kidding me. I try like 3 other faucets still nothing. But right before I went for my run a construction worker had knocked on my door asking me if I knew who owned a gray truck as they were trying to install new lamp post. Well I get redressed in my sweaty clothes and go outside to ask what is going on. "Oh we hit the water line and had to shut off the water, it should be on fairly soon" Well do you know how long tell the water is back "oh just a couple of hours is all." I guess my idea of fairly soon is a lot different than a construction worker.

So now here I find myself scrambling to find a place to take a shower. My wife left with her keys that have the in-laws keys on them meaning that is out of the question. Call my father in law to see when he will be home and that's not for another hour. I ended up going to my grandma's to take a shower. What kind of call is that hey do you mind if I use your shower.

I am not sure if it was worth it Saturday was nice and peaceful and totally restful with a nap, some wii, an afternoon matinee and then checking out a few homes a the parade of homes but Friday was totally a screwed up day. Well at least I set new pr's for the 5k and 5miler my race should be awesome, followed the very next week by my first sprint triathlon.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to hearing how your first tri goes. Great job on your times!
